Poulsbo Animal Clinic

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(360) 779-4640

Don’t Leave Me!

The separation anxiety struggle will be real for your dog when you go back to work While you may be dreaming of the day you can go back to the office, your favorite coffee place, and to some gossipy chit-chat with co-workers, your dog might have serious issues when suddenly you’re gone again. (We say … Read moreDon’t Leave Me!

Year-Round Flea, Tick, Heartworm Prevention

Fleas, ticks and mosquitoes aren’t just a summer problem–warming temperatures mean year-round prevention is key to making sure your pet is protected from these pests or the diseases they may carry. Don’t overlook the problems they can cause: Fleas often trigger dermatitis, tapeworm and hot spots; one tick bite can transmit numerous dangerous diseases and … Read moreYear-Round Flea, Tick, Heartworm Prevention

Toxic Food For Dogs

Many common foods we keep around our homes can cause serious health problems if our dogs ingest them. Here are five foods to keep away from your dog at all times.

July is National Lost Pet Prevention Month

National Lost Pet Prevention Month was created because of the epidemic of lost pets filling shelters on the day after Independence Day fireworks. Frightened pets bolt—and the idea was to increase awareness so that fewer pets end up lost. It’s not just a July 5th problem, however: The American Humane Association reports that more than 10 million pets are … Read moreJuly is National Lost Pet Prevention Month